Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chiropractors guide to treating Pump Bump, Haglund's deformity or Retrocalcaneal exostosis

Chiropractors sometimes recoil and the sight of treating a Retrocalcaneal exostosis or Haglund's deformity.  What they are essentially are is a growth on the posterior portion of the heel where the Achillies Tendon inserts into the Calcaneus.  They can be extremely painful and ruin shoes.  This video here explains the condition very well:
Now the first thing one should do as with most treatments chiropractor's perform is it to start the patient on stretching exercises, a great deal of pain can be caused by the Achillies just being tight, by stretching out the Achillies you may reduce the pain.  Here are some stretching exercises. (above)

Now after you perform that the next thing is to address the etiology of the pain, which is caused from the bump on the patients heels rubbing against the back of the shoe.  One of the simple treatments is to insert a heel lift into the patients shoe as seen here
After that if that is not successful is get the patient into some crocs, by taking away the back of the shoe, that will take away the etiology of the pain and will allow you some residual income.  You can even have a croc display to sell to your patients.  Crocs are a revenue sources that no Chiropractor should be without, here is an example, if you mark these up just 5% it should help with revenue

I hope this helps Chiropractors in their treatment of Retrocalcaneal exostosis.

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